What to Wear When Designing

Apr 10

What to Wear When Designing

Anyone can start their own interior design project. All they need is the space, resources and a clear plan. Some people prefer to hire a professional to decorate their home. However, others like the bespoke nature of DIY. This option is also usually much cheaper. Once the person is ready to start, they will need to choose the proper attire for interior design. There...

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Technology-Driven Office Furniture Design

Nov 21

Technology-Driven Office Furniture Design

Office and office furniture design have come a long way since the traditional one-size-fits-all workspace. Social and technological changes are the driving forces behind the shifts in office furniture design. In addition, changes in the nature of work, communication, and collaboration have had a tremendous impact on office design and office furniture. In fact,...

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Using Wall Art in Entrance Halls

Oct 30

Using Wall Art in Entrance Halls

The entrance hall is often the first thing a person sees when entering a home. A warm and welcoming ambiance can set the mood of the visit and give a good impression. However, with hallways typically being a small space, as are home offices, it is not easy to create a pleasant atmosphere with the use of furniture. This is where unique and beautiful wall art comes...

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Living Room Colors

Apr 28

Living Room Colors

The living room encapsulates all aspects that make a home. While several design features make this room special, the colors stand out as far are setting the mood goes. So if you are thinking about creating a soothing space or making a statement, you only need to get the color combinations right. Irrespective of your design goals, specific colors are viewed as a...

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Choosing Office Colors

Mar 11

Choosing Office Colors

Colors, subconsciously, bring forth emotions. In light of this, organizations are willing to go out of their way to find the correct colors for their working spaces. Having the right colors at the office energizes the environment, which thus fosters productivity and boosts sales. While colors influence working spaces, there is no one-size-fits-all coloring option...

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